www.holbury.net is the hosting page for our various sites.
www.holbury.co.uk is the technical alternative to holbury.net.
We use www.redshaw.co.uk , www.redshaw.org, www.redshaw.de and www.redshaw.net as the family and business domains.
Mark, Karen and James can all be found here.
Clive & Tessa, Thomas & Jo et al. and Toby are another part of the family they can all be reached by email.
Linda is refered to as Mum, Grandma & Great Grandma by different parts of the family, and can also be reached by email.
eatmorepork logo www.eatmorepork.co.uk, is the web site of eatmorepork ltd.
A former company belonging to Mark and Clive and a victim of bad timing with the Foot and Mouth epedemic in the UK in 2002.
This domain point to this site for the time being.
www.szunder.com www.szunder.com is a domain of Czaba, Adrianne and rest of the Szunder family.
They can be reached by email, a website may be appearing in the future.

contact If you have any questions regarding these sites then contact "mark AT redshaw DOT co DOT uk".
This email account is spam controlled with spamassasin, so if you don't get a reply and the mail could of looked like spam please try again.
technical stuff This page is a simple html page, lets keep it KISS.
This site is hosted @ Hetzner.
legal stuff Copyright Mark Redshaw 2004-2023.
We are not responsible for the content of external internet sites. For the contect of external sites, the provider is solely responsible.
Inhaltlich Verantwortlicher gemäß MDStV: Mark Redshaw